Urban Landscape
Juror Jamey Stillings has selected 50 prints by 50 artists for the Urban Landscape exhibition. A complete list of the exhibiting artists is below, with award winners noted in bold. A hearty congrats to all!
Tracy Allard | Frank Armstrong | Jacqueline Asplundh | Kipp Baker | Lana Barakeh | Terry Barczak | David Bartlett | Annette LeMay Burke | Deborah Cole | Gregory D'Agostino | Chel Delaney | Carol Donahue |Kathleen Donovan |Ken Dreyfack | Tom Flaherty | Tom Foster | Jim Geitgey | Richard Greene | Michael Hart | Susan Hillyard | Atul Joshi | Priscilla Kanady | Steve Knight | Ray Koh | Trent Lesikar | Jeff Loeser | Mary Ann Melton | Robin Michals | Peter Miller | Jeffrey Milstein | Joseph Moche | Colleen Mullins | Patrick O'Brien | Carlos Ocando | John Petro | Gerald Pisarzowski | Ken Portnoy | Michael Potts | Barbra Riley | Life Robinson | David Ruck | Mark Savoia | Chad Smith | Eric Smith | Paul Sokal | Paul Stapp | Wayne Swanson | Tommy Tenzo | Lou Vest | Becky Wilkes
The Urban Landscape exhibition, juried by Jamey Stillings, opens with a public reception Saturday, October 26, 2019, 6-8 p.m. at Gallery 100 at The Silos at Sawyer Yards, 1502 Sawyer Street, Houston, Texas. The exhibition will showcase 50 photographs by 50 artists. Stillings will present juror remarks at 6:30 p.m. The exhibition runs through January 11, 2020.
We are also offering a few one-on-one portfolio review sessions with Jamey Stillings, which will take place on Saturday morning, prior to the exhibition opening. The fee is $50 for members and $70 for non members. Reserve your spot today!
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Texas Photographic Society is thrilled announce that photographer Jamey Stillings is our juror for our upcoming themed call for entry titled Urban Landscape. We encourage you to consider the photographic possibilities found in your environment including: your place of work, neighborhood, favorite part of town, building or structure. Artists of all levels are encouraged to apply. You do not need to be a member to enter the competition, however you can join or renew at the time of entry. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretations of this years' theme. This competition is now closed.
Juror Statement:
The "urban landscape" is a broad theme, which allows for a wide gamut of visual interpretation. By definition, urban places our focus on the city or town, the human-constructed environment. These places may be pristine and new, or old and decayed. Nature may be integrated, dominated, or re-emergent. Humans may find their place comfortably within these spaces or feel alienated from them. Most of all, whether subtle or overt, one's photographic observation of the urban landscape should ask us, perhaps force us, to see something we might otherwise overlook or take for granted. Do we see everything on first glance, or does the image provide for discovery, challenge, provocation, understanding, or learning? As the juror for the Urban Landscape exhibition, I seek photographs that add to an ongoing visual conversation about our place in the world - a world we sometimes mistakenly think we dominate, but one that will ultimately have the last word.
Thank you to Frame Destination for their support of this exhibition.
Calendar of Events
07-29-19 Call for entry announced
09-17-19 Extended from original deadline
09-23-19 Exhibiting artists announced and emails sent to all entrants
10-19-19 Work due in Houston, Texas
10-26-19 Opening reception at the Silos in Houston, Texas from 6-8pm
01-04-19 Show closes
First Place = $500
Second Place = $300
Third Place = $200
Up to 5 Honorable Mentions may be awarded
Entry Fee
Entry fee is $30 for 5 images, plus $6 for each additional image. Photographers may enter up to 10 images. Please don't forget to include your membership fee, if also joining TPS at the time of entry.
Urban Landscape is open to artists of all levels internationally. You do not need to be a member of the Texas Photographic Society to enter this competition. However, you may join TPS and enter this show at the same time (read more about TPS member benefits). Works exhibited previously in a TPS show are not eligible, and all entries must be submitted digitally. Current members of the TPS Board of Directors are permitted to enter but are not eligible for awards.
Instructions for entry are outlined below, following the juror’s biography.
About the Juror
Jamey Stillings' photographic career spans documentary, fine art and commissioned work. He holds a BA from Willamette University and an MFA in Photography from Rochester Institute of Technology. Stillings' work has been widely exhibited internationally, and is in private and public collections, including the U.S. Library of Congress, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Nevada Museum of Art. Publications featuring his work include: The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, Newsweek Japan, and WIRED Italia. Stillings' monographs are The Bridge at Hoover Dam (Nazraeli Press 2011) and Ivanpah (Steidl 2015). For over a decade, Stillings has engaged diverse audiences with presentations and workshops in multiple countries.
The primary focus of Stillings’ long-term project work is renewable energy. Beginning in 2010, with a flight over the future site of Ivanpah Solar in the Mojave Desert of California, The Evolution of Ivanpah Solar became the starting point for Changing Perspectives: Renewable Energy & the Shifting Human Landscape, Stillings’ aerial and ground-based project documenting significant global renewable energy development.
You can view Stillings' incredible vast bodies of work here.
Prepare Your Files
1. Files should be 1200 pixels in the longest dimension and saved in JPEG format on the highest quality setting. Images should also be saved in RGB color space.
2. Label each file as FirstName_Lastname_ followed by consecutive numbers. For example: Sam_Jones_1.jpg, Sam_Jones_2.jpg, etc. Please don't forget to include the "jpg" extension.
3. Do NOT use spaces in the file name, and do NOT use special characters such as :;’”/?}{()[ ]+=*&^%$#@! (use only alpha-numeric characters).
4. Please prepare the following information for each image: (1) print title; (2) process [Digital C print, Archival pigment print, Platinum/Palladium, etc.]; and (3) price or NFS.
Submit Your Entries and Make Payment via Online Entry Form
Please select the “Enter Now” button above and follow the prompts to make your payment online (or by check) and then upload your files. If you experience difficulties with this online entry form, please notify TPS Executive Director Sarah Sudhoff at sarah@texasphoto.org.
TPS encourages the sales of exhibited work. In support of the artists, TPS will not collect commission from print sales nor will the exhibiting venue. Please print your name, address, telephone number(s) and price on the back of each accepted piece. If your work is Not-For-Sale, simply note NFS but provide a dollar value for record-keeping purposes. If you do not indicate a sales price, the artwork will be listed as NFS.
TPS and the venue will exercise all due care when handling your work, but will not be held responsible for loss, damage or replacement.
TPS and the venue retain the right to display, project and reproduce work accepted for this exhibition for publicity and promotional purposes only. Individual photographers retain copyright to his/her own individual images. Also, an exhibition catalog will be created to showcase the juror's selections.
If Your Work is Accepted
1. Artwork must be ready-to-hang and must not exceed 40" in the longest dimension. Please make sure that wire or D-rings are attached firmly to the back of the piece (NO sawtooth hangers permitted). Make sure your frames are gallery quality. Mats are not required although we do ask that you use only white. NO glass please; Plexiglass only (unless work is hand-delivered). Clearly label the back of your work with your full name, medium and contact information. TPS reserves the right to exclude works from the exhibition that are not gallery-ready and professional in presentation.
2. A pre-paid return shipping label MUST be provided with your work (FedEx or UPS preferred) for prints to be returned to you when the exhibition concludes. Work WITHOUT return shipping will NOT be included in the exhibition and will NOT be returned. Prints will be return shipped in the container in which they were received. No packing “peanuts”, and please be considerate of our limited storage space when choosing the size of your packaging.
3. Work must arrive in Houston, Texas, no later than October 19, 2019. Address for delivery or shipment:
Grace Zugnia
2000 Edwards
Admin Office Building A
Houston, Texas 77007
If you have any questions or concerns after reading all the guidelines, please contact TPS Executive Director directly at sarah@texasphoto.org.