32nd Annual Members' Only Show
Juror Catherine Couturier has selected 50 prints by 42 artists for this year's Members' Only Show. A complete list of the exhibiting artists is below, with award winners noted in bold. A hearty congrats to all!
Mary Aiu | Russell Banks | Nancy Baron | Mariana Bartolomeo | Hans Bauer | David Blow | Joann Chaus | Ginger Cook | Norm Diamond | Catherine Fairchild | Aleks Gajdeczka | Aubrey E. Guthrie | Rebecca Hackemann | Susan Hanson | Michael Hart | Steve Knight | Kent Krugh | Eric Kunsman | Frank Lopez | Carol Lyon | Ed Malcik | Edgar Miller | Dale Niles | Patrick O'Brien | Wes Odell | Wanda Holmes Oliver | John Osterhout | Phillip Periman | Bill Polkinhorn | Life Robinson | Janet Sanders | Jerry Sargent | Karen Schulman | Eric Smith | DorRae Stevens | Ashton Thornhill | Mark Vitaris | Lisa Waddell | Karey Walter | Sandra Chen Weinstein | Becky Wilkes | Frank Zurey
Our 32nd Annual Members' Only Show will open September 20, 2019, at Cain Art Gallery in Corpus Christi, Texas with a reception for the artists. Join us for an artist talk with Debra Barerra from 5-6pm followed by juror Catherine Couturier's gallery talk and the exhibition reception from 6-8pm. The exhibition remains on view through December 4, 2019.
Read more about the accepted works here.
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Texas Photographic Society is excited to announce our 32nd Annual Members' Only Show will be juried by Catherine Couturier, Gallerist and Art Dealer. This call is open themed and welcomes submissions from artists of all levels internationally. You must be a TPS member to enter. This call for entry is now closed.
Calendar of Events
07-11-19 Call for entry announced
08-12-18 EXTENDED Deadline for entry (midnight CST)
08-16-19 Exhibiting artists announced and emails sent to all entrants
09-10-19 Work due in Corpus Christi, Texas
09-20-19 Conversation with the juror and artist Debra Barrera from 5-6pm in the Bartlett Theater at Del Mar College
09-20-18 Show opens at Cain Art Gallery, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas from 6-8pm
12-04-19 Show closes
First Place = $500
Second Place = $300
Third Place = $200
Up to 5 Honorable Mentions may be awarded
Entry Fee
Entry fee is $30 for 5 images, plus $6 for each additional image. Photographers may enter up to 10 images. Please don't forget to include your membership fee, if also joining TPS at the time of entry.
The 32nd Annual Members' Only Show is open to artists of all levels internationally. All photographic based work is encouraged including digital, silver and alternative processes. You MUST be a member of TPS to enter this competition (read more about TPS member benefits). If you are not currently a member, you may join TPS and enter this show at the same time. Works exhibited previously in a TPS show are not eligible, and all entries must be submitted via our online entry form. Current members of the TPS Board of Directors are permitted to enter but are not eligible for awards.
Instructions for entry are outlined below, following the juror’s bio below.
About the Juror
Catherine Couturier, Gallerist and Art Dealer

Catherine Couturier is the owner and director of Catherine Couturier Gallery. Upon its inception, the gallery quickly evolved into the premier photography gallery in Houston, Texas and sits at the center of Gallery Row. The gallery is a member of AIPAD, and Catherine serves on the advisory council of Houston Center for Photography. Couturier also reviews portfolios for organizations and festivals such as Photo Nola, Atlanta Celebrates Photography, and Fotofest, is a juror for Critical Mass, the Center for Fine Art Photography, and LA Center for Photography, and give lectures to artists and collectors alike on a myriad of subjects related to the field of fine art photography. The Catherine Couturier Gallery is committed to excellence with a dedication to the medium in all its forms, with the goal to showcase the best fine art photography available. Please visit the gallery's website at www.CatherineCouturier.com for more information.
Prepare Your Files
1. Files should be 1200 pixels in the longest dimension and saved in JPEG format on the highest quality setting. Images should also be saved in RGB color space.
2. Label each file as FirstName_Lastname_ followed by consecutive numbers. For example: Sam_Jones_1.jpg, Sam_Jones_2.jpg, etc. Please don't forget to include the "jpg" extension.
3. Do NOT use spaces in the file name, and do NOT use special characters such as :;’”/?}{()[ ]+=*&^%$#@! (use only alpha-numeric characters).
4. Please prepare the following information for each image: (1) print title; (2) process [Archival Digital Print, Gelatin Silver Print, Platinum/Palladium Print, etc.]; and (3) price or NFS.
Submit Your Entries and Make Payment via Online Entry Form
Please select the “Enter Now” button above and follow the prompts to make your payment online (or by check) and then upload your files. If you experience difficulties with this online entry form, please notify TPS Executive Director Sarah Sudhoff at sarah@texasphoto.org.
TPS encourages the sales of exhibited work. In support of the artists, TPS will not collect commission from print sales nor will the host venue. Please print your name, address, telephone number(s) and price on the back of each accepted piece. If your work is Not-For-Sale, simply note NFS but provide a dollar value for record-keeping purposes. If you do not indicate a sales price, the artwork will be listed as NFS.
TPS and the venue will exercise all due care when handling your work, but will not be held responsible for loss, damage or replacement.
TPS and the venue retain the right to display, project and reproduce work accepted for this exhibition for publicity and promotional purposes only. Individual photographers retain copyright to his/her own individual images. Also, an exhibition catalog will be created to showcase the juror's selections.
If Your Work is Accepted 1. Artwork must be ready-to-hang and must not exceed 40" in the longest dimension. Please make sure that wire or D-rings are attached firmly to the back of the piece (NO sawtooth hangers permitted). If applicable, please use white mats and frames that are gallery quality and complement your work (color mats are not acceptable). NO glass please; Plexiglass only (unless work is hand-delivered). Clearly label the back of your work with your full name, medium and contact information. TPS reserves the right to exclude works from the exhibition that are not gallery-ready and professional in presentation.
2. A pre-paid return shipping label MUST be provided with your work (FedEx or UPS preferred) for prints to be returned to you when the exhibition concludes. Work WITHOUT return shipping will NOT be included in the exhibition and will NOT be returned. Prints will be return shipped in the container in which they were received. No packing “peanuts”, and please be considerate of our limited storage space when choosing the size of your packaging.
3. Work must arrive in Corpus Christi, Texas, no later than September 3, 2019.
If you have any questions or concerns after reading all the guidelines, please contact TPS Executive Director directly at ann@texasphoto.org.